Sunday, January 20, 2013

Opinion on Shoot

I had a really big problem with this shoot as the concert was in a small club called the O2 Academy. This meant they wouldn't let members of the audience take SLR cameras in that they may have thought were going to be used professionally. Prior to the concert I took it upon myself to email the press themselves at the O2 academy and also Jake Bugg's manager. However, neither of them got back to me in time and so I had to settle for using my phone as my camera for this particular night. This resulted in the photographs I took being quite out of focus... However; once I had edited my best ones and turned them into black and white, I really loved the grainy affect they provided. I really love the old fashioned look the black and white along with the graininess gives the photographs and this resulted in me being very happy with the overall shoot. Even though it wasn't exactly what I wanted, it has now let me experiment and made me realise that I like the graininess within the photographs, maybe meaning I will try this again in the future.
My next shoot is going to be focusing more on the drugs side of my project...this is where I'm going to hopefully start going deeper into my photography and really pull out the problem of drugs within music and musicians, going behind the scenes. I am going to start off with a simple  musician smoking a cigarette as I was influenced to do this by a few of Jake Bugg's pictures that I've seen. I'm also going to start making some responses to music that I listen to. I thought from choosing Jake Bugg, this would link nicely to my previous shoot and the lyrics are perfect for what I'm going to go onto. The lyrics from a song called "Two Fingers" is "I drink to remember, I smoke to forget". This is the specific part of the song I am going to be focusing on...and the pictures that have inspired me for this photo shoot are below:

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