Sunday, January 13, 2013

Shoot 15

This was the another shoot that my teacher interested me in having a go at; dropping food dye into a glass jar of water and capturing the smoke-like effect as it hits the water. Once again this shoot went really well. There were some good and some bad but overall I'm really impressed with what I've been able to achieve. With this shoot I didn't use any additional lighting it was just simply the natural lighting from my classroom. I think having no additional lighting worked really well as it give a soft tone and not too harsh contrast as sometimes the additional lighting can do this. I'm really glad I gave this technique a go as it gives me a different type of smoke effect and works well. I will try editing it with the drugs shoot I'm going to do in the next couple of weeks and see how it turns out. I tried the food dye out in a glass jar, a wine glass and also a Smirnoff bottle to give myself a different variety of photographs to choose from; and it also links with the drugs and alcohol theme. I'm really pleased with the photography I'm achieving at the moment and within these edits I feel the black and white effect works really well as it's the darkness I'm trying to portray through the smoke and through the drugs side of music and musicians.

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