Saturday, January 26, 2013

Opinion on Live Concert Shoot
I absolutely love the way these photographs have turned out and I feel extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to take these amazing images. I have a very long camera lens that was able to capture the musicians really close up which worked out really well. As part of my final piece I want to add in some portraiture photography that is staged but making it look as real as possible, so this is why I wanted to grab the opportunity of photographing musicians live in action. I thought it was a really great chance for me to capture some fantastic photographs and I'm really pleased with what I have come out with. As there was lights on the stage already I found this really nice to work with, however sometimes I found it a bit tricky as they change quite often. Overall I really love this shoot and will be looking forward to taking another shoot of the next concert I have coming up in a week or so. My next shoot, however; is going to be based on really capturing some shallow depth of field within photographs of musicians. I have set up a date for students to meet me with their instruments so that I can photograph them and really try and focus on the background and the subject itself. In all of my choir shoots so far, there has been a lot of distractions around the main subjects and this is what I want to get rid of. I think I am going to use my teacher's camera so that I can take the f-stop right down as far as possible. This will help take the background more and more out of focus. Within my next shoot I really want to make the musicians the main focus and make sure the viewer does not get distracted away in any way whatsoever.
Within this shoot it shows the atmosphere and the moment that the band were in at that particular moment. This was my intention so you could compare it to Shoot 5 and I could show the difference in atmosphere and mood. The lighting captured and the composition produced really links to the sort of music they compose which is very upbeat and gets you on your feet. This atmosphere is portrayed by this shoot as the lighting and the positions he's making makes the photographs look very exciting. Comparing this to shoot 5, the music they are playing is very different and the composition in both shoots reflect this. My main intentions were to portray the different situations and atmospheres through the photography and I think I did this quite well; accessing both sides of music; relaxing and exciting, and showing this through my photography. The shoot shows the true emotions within the artists while they're performing and this was what I was really after.
Within my exam workbook I had to be selective as to which photographs from the shoot I chose to add to my contact sheet. I based this on the lighting, angle and composition of the photographs and chose my best ones. If I printed out the whole shoot in contact sheets this would have resulted in 22 pages.


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