Monday, January 14, 2013

Shoot 14

My teacher informed me on trying to capture the smoke that comes out of a kettle when it's boiling so that I have more opportunity of capturing it up against a black background. I used extra lighting and boiled the kettle several times to make sure I captured enough smoke. As you can see from the contact sheet in my workbook I adjusted the settings quite a few times to make sure I got the exact photographs I wanted and I'm really pleased with the final images.

I feel these photographs turned out exactly how I wanted them too and I'm so pleased. I spent ages trying to work out which setting was best and in the end I found out that the exposure time of 1/20, F-stop at 5.6 and ISO 800 worked out really well. These are the settings that I got my best photographs at. I chose these two pictures as my best because you can see the smoke really clearly and I've captured it at the perfect time of the most smoke coming out of the kettle. I really wanted the smoke to be seen as a "haze" to layer onto another so I am really happy with the outcome. I also really love the black background as there's nothing to take away the viewers attention from the photograph. The staged lighting I used also worked really well that I positioned under the smoke which captured the movement and haze of the smoke perfectly.

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