For my first response to George's music I want to go to the severn near my house and hopefully capture a gorgeous sunset over the water. The reason for this is that when I listen to this piece of music it makes me feel really relaxed and want to be on a beach somewhere. I really love the sound of it and a sunset just reminds me of a relaxing movement/moment. However, I also want to be able to capture a mysterious and gloomy side to the photographs as this is another feeling I receive while listening to George's music. I may have to attempt several times to capture this, however we have been getting some gorgeous sunsets lately and so I hope I can be lucky enough to capture one of these. I am really lucky to live very close to the severn bridge and so capturing the smooth, twinkling water along with the sunset would be absolutely beautiful and create a really lovely response to his piece of music. For this shoot I have been looking at a man called Tony Whittle for inspiration. He is a landscape photographer who is based in the Peak District and so has a great opportunity to capture the photographs that he does. I have really enjoyed looking through his site as he has taken some beautiful images. Some of his work captures exactly what I'm after; the sunset/rise and the water and that's what I've been focused mainly on to inspire me. He has a philosophy that "capturing great landscape photos is to make the most of every interesting weather opportunity in our great countryside". Tony usually captures dramatic, breathtaking and thought provoking landscape images which are truly wonderful and that I've really enjoyed looking at. Here are a couple of the images that have really inspired me for my next shoot:

This is one of the photographs of Tony Whittle's that has really inspired me as it's that gorgeous sun that I'm really aiming to capture. When I look at this photograph I feel so relaxed and this is what I want the viewers of my images to feel like which will portray the feelings of when I listen to George's music. He has also captured the water within the photograph which is another part I want in my shoot. This will be easier as I will be on the side of the severn anyway. I don't think I'm going to get as close as he is to the sand but in every other way Tony has really inspired me with his photographs and I now feel really confident to go out and attempt this shoot.

This is once again another great photograph that Tony Whittle has inspired me by. Within this photo it's more the atmosphere around the sun rather than the sun itself. Within my shoot I really want to be able to capture a dark mood and atmosphere as well as making it look and feel really relaxing; just like this photograph. I really want to aim to capture the orange and yellow colours within the sky, as well as making the water and land around it quite dark to show the mysterious side of the music that I've listened to. I think this photograph shows a really gorgeous contrast and I want to be able to capture this within my photography.
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