I have finally decided what I want to do for my final piece. As I am focusing my project on the drugs behind the scenes with music and musicians, I have decided to focus my final piece on a friend of mine called George. He does music technology and music at A Level and composes his own music. I thought this was a great opportunity for me as I had access to a real life musician and I could play around with his skills within my photography. For my final piece I'm going to do a sequence of three photographs. The first one of these will be my response to a piece of his music and how he wants his music to be portrayed, the second photograph will be himself singing some of his music and looking just how he wants his audeience to see him as. Then finally, the third picture will be portraying what goes on behind the scenes; this will relate to drugs and the things musicians get into behind the scenes. I think this is a really nice idea for my final piece as it basically shows the musicians life in a sequence of three images. I start off with the music he produces and how he wants his audience to think about his music, etc. and then I carry on with his appearance and the reality of the music world in most cases. Along with my final piece I will include a cd with the music on it so the examiners can listen to the piece of music I responded to within my first photograph.
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