Monday, January 7, 2013

Crackleglaze Technique

Now that I have done the final shoot of George and I'm really pleased with it I was going to go back to the crackleglaze technique and edit it into the best prints that I feel it looks good with. I went ahead and done this and feel it looks very good and I'm happy with them. I think it links really well with the overall intentions I'm trying to get across from this exam as it links to the cracks within the life of musicians behind the scenes. The photographs I've decided to use which are shown below show real emotion within George's face which links to the cracks in his life. I really like this idea and that's why I wanted to wait for this shoot to be done so that it works really well with the overall idea.

As you can see within these two photographs, the colours of the crackleglaze also links in really well with the best prints of George as they fit in with the colours of his shirt. I'm really happy with these edits and glad I waited to scan them in to these specific images.


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