Monday, February 4, 2013

Kate T. Parker Photography

I have researched Kate T. Parker because I really love her photography and it’s all to do with the interests of the person they’re photographing, their personality, feelings or appearance. In most of her photography there is something included to do with them. As my first couple of shoots are going to be based on portrait photography of someone on the guitar, this lady has really inspired me. Within my shoots, the guitar he is going to be holding is his hobby and what he is interested in. In just one photo it will tell you something about that person and what they enjoy doing in their spare time, or it could be a full time job, I leave the viewer to make their own mind up about that. However, Parker has also really inspired me with the atmosphere and mood she presents within her photography. It’s quite dark and lonely. They have quite a gloomy atmosphere and as my main idea is “issues within music” this works really well. After I have experimented with my shoots I will go on to Photoshop and hopefully make them similar to how Parker has her photographs and how she photographs her 

The main reason I really love this photograph is because apart from the girl on the far left’s face, you can’t see any emotion except through the body posture and the outfits. This is what I absolutely love about Parker as she usually creates the atmosphere and mood of the picture through other things other than the facial expressions. This photo has a secret contrast within it. The lighting and the atmosphere looks quite gloomy, as well as the little girl on the left’s face. However, the outfits that the girls have on have a completely different side to this. Just through the outfits you can see the personalities and maybe hobbies of the little girls. This is a really strong point of Parker’s photography in my opinion, and links to what I want to get across within my first couple of shoots.

I absolutely love this photograph purely from the face she is making. Straight away when you look at the image you can see straight through this little girl and what her emotions/feelings are. Within my first couple of shoots I really want to capture some emotion and facial expressions such as this, but natural and make sure they’re not staged. When my model is playing the guitar I am going to make sure I capture real expressions within the face so my photographs look real, I don’t want to ask him to do anything just for the photography, it has to be real. This photograph has really inspired me as you can tell those feelings are real and the angle and the background of the photograph makes your eyes go nowhere else but the little girl who is the main subject.

I really love this photograph mainly for the mood and atmosphere she portrays within her work. The colours she has captured portray really great contrast and I love this. I probably won’t use this contrast technique within my first couple of shoots as I’m just trying to get across the hobby/what he’s interested in and his mood. However, in future shoots I will probably try out capturing really lovely contrast like this as it really adds hugely to the gloomy atmosphere and I love it.

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