I wasn't totally sure what to choose for my exam to start with as I find it very hard to come up with a starting point and to think about expanding my ideas further. I thought of a variety of things to do with issues but I just wasn't sure. My final decision however, came down to music and musicians as I think I can do really well within this overall subject as I am very keen on music. I also wanted a challenge. I have never photographed anything within this category before and so I wanted something that will test my imagination and photography skills; hopefully I will look back at this exam and say it was the right thing to do. My general idea for this exam is going to be based on and around the true feelings of the musicians behind the madness and what really goes on behind the scences. I may tweek this along the way if I come across new ideas etc but this is what I'm going to start on. I have quite a few concerts coming up during my exam period so hopefully I will be able to capture some real emotions within the musicians themselves as well as other shoots. I am going to start off with some basic shoots on people playing the guitar and squeeze a few techniques in such as shutter speed. I want to start on these sort of shoots as it is the basis of music and how music is made; usually with a man and his instrument(or her). Throughout the exam period I also want to challenge myself with staged lighting and also concert studio lighting; I feel this will be a real experience for me. Putting aside the fact that I have quite a lot of things I can photograph to do with music and musicians, I was thinking about all the other experimental techniques that I could use such as sellotape transfers, emultions etc and see if I want to link these at all to my final piece. Throughout the exam period, I could use a particular song that links in really well; creating responses to it and experiment on top of that; using photoshop etc. I thought this could work out really well and will show the extra techniques and skills that I have.
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